Hyderabad Dec 25: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday surprised one and all by making a visit to Pakistan and greeting his counterpart Nawaz Sharif on his birthday at latter’s residence. Modi reportedly attended marriage of his grand-daughter. Modi is the second Indian Prime Minister to be landed in Pakistan after Atal Bihari Vajpayee who did so in 2004. Shariff offered a warm hug and welcome to Modi at Allama Iqbal International Airport. Modi’s visit to Pakistan raised eyebrows as it was unscheduled move by Modi who was returning from his two day Russian visit. After inaugurating a Parliament built by India, at Kabul in Afghanistan Modi also lashed out at terror nurseries being sown and nurtured by Pakistan without taking its name. In a tweet Modi said that he will be meeting Nawaz Sharif by afternoon. The duo said to have sat across a table over chai and spoken on the steps against terror activities. Modi is understood to have asked Sharif to handover Mumbai massacre mastermind Dawood Ibrahim for a trial who is leading a secluded life in Pakistan. On Modi’s move, a Shiva Sena leader reacted seeking to know whether the meet will help fetching Dawood back to India. However, Sharif was yet it again and provoked India by appreciating Asiya Andrabi a separatist leader for her anti- India role from Kashmir.